It’s a new way to design, make and use things within planetary boundaries.

Shifting the system includes everyone and everything: businesses, governments, and individuals; our cities, our products, and our jobs. By designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and reengineering natural systems we can reinvent everything.

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

The construction industry drives 6% of UK GDP while contributing 60% (140m tonnes) of all UK waste – this equates to £6BN lost value from a £100BN annual industry turnover. The sector needs to get much smarter about resource use. By encouraging the reuse of existing surplus materials Rebuild is doing our bit to reduce waste and lower the amount of carbon used in creating new materials. 

We need a better balance, environmentally, socially, and economically. We are currently using x1.7 worth of earth’s resources which means we are not leaving enough for future generations to have access to the same resources that we do. It is not sustainable. Our impact on the planet is causing huge issues resulting in climate change and biodiversity loss at a scale not seen for hundreds of thousands of years. The Secretary General of United Nations has said the latest UN IPCC report on Climate Change is a Code Red for humanity. Some changes are already happening but to achieve the necessary impact they need to be done much more quickly and broadly than the current pace. It is still not too late to do something about it, we can all make changes and be part of the solution.

The Rebuild Site is part of that change.